Toe Walking


My daughter has been a toe walker from the time she began to walk. We took her to a pediatric orthopedist and was told she has a condition called idiopathic toe walking. The doctor was not sure what caused this condition but told us that the signal from her brain to her legs/feet were being disrupted causing her to walk incorrectly. One of the suggestions for correction was surgery, to cut her achilles tendons in hopes that when she healed her system would be "re-programmed" and her body would receive the signals her brain was sending.

Instead of this procedure we chose traditional chiropractic care. We begin to see results, however, she was not holding her adjustment and would lose alignment. We continued with this form of treatment for a couple of years. When she continued to lose her alignment we decided to try the NUCCA method with Dr. Monika. My daughter has held her adjustment for 6 months! We are seeing huge improvement in her walking and are encouraged about her progress!

-6 years old. Greer, SC